Jack Oats is an anagram. It is a pseudonym of the
author of all the pages on the SurfBaud deZign site and RBE Internet
home pages.
Years ago I worked on Cattle Stations throughout the Northern Territory
and Queensland. I learned many valuable lessons about life and work
and playing by the rules... But the biggest lesson I learned was how
to appreciate what we have, regardless of the condition, and to make
the best of it.
In the midst of all the pressures of work and commitments, you are
never too busy to slow down and look at the sunset. If anything else,
you at least owe it to yourself to treat yourself to something special,
every day... Even if it is just a few minutes to watch the Sun go down
at the end of the day.
Look forward to something each day and you will go to sleep satisfied.
so who is Jack?
this is...